YouTube TV App Overhaul: Videos Not a Priority

The Revamped YouTube TV App Prioritizes Everything but Videos
Although you can't search while watching, you can still make purchases.

YouTube recently revealed that YouTube TV App will undergo a revamp in the coming weeks. The streaming service claims that the new design will “open the door for a broad range of new experiences, such as shopping for your creators’ favorite products,” though it offers few specifics.

In addition to shifting the focus to commerce, the change could enhance current capabilities by making “video descriptions and comments” more accessible. Consequently, the movie will get smaller, and the descriptions and comment feeds will occupy more space when chosen. According to YouTube, viewers frequently request a more prioritized comments section and a more condensed video feed. Because the comment feed now covers the video, this refresh lets users interact with comments without hiding the video.

I want a better search, a more straightforward way to refresh my feed, and, most importantly, the option to search for videos I want to watch next while the current one is playing. I use the YouTube app on my TV every single day. You know, it’s similar to how a phone works. Although YouTube admits that the “lean in” experience on a smartphone and the TV-based “lean back” experience were the driving forces for this makeover, nothing I just mentioned is mentioned. With just a touch of the remote, you will be able to purchase the clothing that someone is sporting in a video.

Although it didn’t explain how YouTube TV app would work, YouTube did hint that sports fans could view live scores without pausing a video. When we contacted the platform, a representative informed us that while it is working on introducing the functionality, it has yet to be ready to make any announcements. It also stated that viewing and accessing video chapters will be more straightforward with the makeover, which should be helpful.

It’s important to remember that these upgrades are just for the YouTube TV standard app and not for the live-service YouTube TV platform. But in a few days, the latter will receive an update, allowing users to browse Views without interfering with live content, such as athletic events.

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