YouTube Mistakes: 21 Common Errors for New YouTubers

YouTube Mistakes
21 Common YouTube Mistakes New YouTubers Make and How to Fix Them

Are you frustrated because you’re making videos but not getting the views or subscribers you want? In this article, we will discuss the 21 common YouTube mistakes that new YouTubers make and how to fix them so you can get more views.

  1. Not Looking at the Lens:  One of the first and easiest YouTube mistakes to fix is not looking at the lens. Looking at the screen instead of the lens feels impersonal, much like talking to someone looking at your ear instead of your eyes. Ensure you frame yourself correctly and look directly into the lens to connect with your audience.
  1. Low Energy:  The camera tends to reduce the apparent energy level, so it’s important to double your Energy. You don’t need to act crazy, but increasing your normal energy levels will help you appear more engaging and lively on camera.
  1. Weak Intros: Your YouTube video’s first 15 to 30 seconds are crucial. Capture the audience’s attention immediately and get to the point. Plan and script your intros to create curiosity and tease upcoming content effectively.
  1. Long Bumpers: Another youtube mistakes is Title sequences or bumpers that are too long can lose your audience’s attention. Keep your YouTube bumpers short—ideally 5 seconds and no more than 10 seconds—to maintain viewer interest.
  1. Lack of Planning and Preparation:  Proper planning and preparation can prevent poor performance. Outline your YouTube videos, organize your thoughts, and plan the layout to improve recording efficiency and viewer engagement.
  1. Making Selfish Content:  Many new YouTube creators focus on their desires rather than delivering value to the audience. Content should be created with the viewer in mind, offering entertainment, education, or a mix of both to attract and retain viewers.
  1. Not Replying to Comments:  Engagement is critical on YouTube. Reacting to comments fosters community and demonstrates your concern for your audience’s opinions.
  1. Assuming Viewers Know You:  Always briefly introduce yourself and your channel, even if you have returning viewers. New visitors may need to learn who you are, so a brief introduction can help them understand your content and subscribe.
  1. Poor Audio, Video, and Lighting (AVL): Ensure good audio and lighting quality. You don’t need expensive equipment, but a well-lit, quiet environment and clear audio can significantly improve the YouTube viewer experience.
  2. Distracting or Cluttered Background: Your background sets the tone for your YouTube videos. A clean, relevant environment enhances the viewer’s experience and emphasizes the content.
  1. Weak Titles:  YouTube video titles are crucial for attracting viewers. Be thoughtful and intentional when creating your titles to entice clicks and improve video performance.
  1. Weak Thumbnails:  Thumbnails are visual representations of your YouTube content. Compelling images and relevant text can significantly increase click-through rates.
  1. Weak Tags and Descriptions:  Proper metadata helps YouTube understand and distribute your videos. Use tools to research and include relevant tags and keywords in your YouTube descriptions.
  1. Not Looking at Analytics:  Analyzing performance metrics helps improve future YouTube videos. Use YouTube Studio’s analytics to track click-through rates, audience retention, and other vital metrics.
  1. Focusing More on Equipment than Content:  While equipment is essential, the value and quality of your YouTube content are paramount. Focus on what you are saying rather than how you are saying it.
  1. Cheating the System:  Avoid YouTube tactics like clickbait, sub-for-sub, or buying views. These practices do not lead to authentic engagement and can harm your channel in the long run.
  1. Not Niching Down:  Trying to appeal to everyone often results in reaching no one. Start with a specific YouTube niche to build a dedicated audience before expanding your content.
  1. Making Videos Nobody Cares About:  Research your YouTube topics to ensure they are of interest to your audience. Start with trending topics or frequently asked questions in your niche.
  1. Being Inconsistent with Uploading:  Regular YouTube uploads is crucial for building momentum. Try to release a weekly video to keep your fans interested and draw in new ones.
  1. Giving Up Too Soon:  Success on YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint. Growing a successful YouTube channel takes time, practice, and persistence.
  1. Not Providing a Call-to-Action (CTA):  Encourage YouTube viewers to watch another video at the end of each video. This increases time on the platform and keeps viewers engaged with your content.


Implementing these YouTube mistake strategies can help new YouTubers avoid common pitfalls and achieve sustainable growth on the platform.

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